Coronavirus Decontamination and Disinfection Service

Commercial & Residential COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cleaning

At Solaro Restoration Solutions, Inc. our primary focus has always been to help our clients return to normal operation as fast as possible, whether at home or in their place of business. During this unpredictable time, many of us find ourselves in need of a trusted and experienced service to help keep us safe from the threat currently posed by COVID-19. While our understanding of normal may shift for a period of time, the peace of mind to find normalcy in our daily lives has become more valuable than ever.

We are very much on the front lines of this crisis. Therefore we are offering decontamination services for your homes and businesses to help give you, your employees, and your customers that peace which translates into currency for our day to day lives to operate. Our services include CDC recommended products and practices to maximize efficiency in stopping the spread of covId-19 across a broad range of applications including but not limited to homes, offices, restaurants and bars.

Our cleaning protocol for the COVID-19 virus is professional and effective. We strive to eliminate the residues of any infected person who has been in the area, making it safe once again. These processes have already been successfully implemented in several real-world situations.

Services include, but not limited to:

• Thorough cleaning of high touch areas

• Application of ‘food-safe’ products for homes and businesses adverse to toxic chemicals.

• ULV Fog Machine (wet fogger) — for targeted and thorough coating of potentially contaminated surfaces.

• Nuvoaire Ozone Machine — Treatment to limit the effects of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa.

Decontamination Cleanup

COVID-19 has presented us with one of the most unexpected and challenging health concerns the world has ever faced. We are all in this together. Request COVID-19 cleaning service here.

Denver Colorado

As the Coronavirus pandemic escalates around the world, cleaning services are being flooded with requests. Ensuring you’re hiring a team of experienced, professional cleaners is vital. Our COVID-19 cleaning services are designed to rid your property of this highly contagious virus and help reduce the risk of infection or illness, cross-contamination, and downtime in operations.

If there is an outbreak or incident in your building or facility that would impact your operations, or if you would like to be proactive, contact us by calling our 24-hour emergency hotline or filling out this form.

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